Your research on the American industrialist spirit is phenomenal; I watched half of your "The British Empire Wants You To Be Stupid" lecture at YouTube, and also picked up your EIR articles on the Garfield/Blaine nationalist agenda for America.

What do you know about the Anglo-Jesuit connection? I believe British Masonry was always a "back" puppet organization for Jesuitry, especially considering "Protestant" England's increasing amicability with the Vatican during the second half of the 20th century. It would appear that the Jesuits have used Masonry, Anglo-Fabian societies, and Marxism as "backdoors" puppets (Hegelian thesis) while employing Nazi-Fascism as "front organizations" (Hegelian antithesis) to achieve broader objectives; if you consider the impact of the 1920s-era Second Klan -- a highly Masonic structure -- its long-term impact notably reduced anti-Catholicism in the U.S. from a once-mainstream opinion to an increasingly fringe taboo, paving the way for the 1950s-era ecumenical movement hatched by the Masonic "Judeo-Christian" front, whose top young spokesperson Billy Graham -- a Masonic initiate -- got the media empire backing of Nazi sympathizer and Illuminist Anglophile mogul William Randolph Hearst. And Eisenhower Republicanism -- with its eugenicist connections via the Dulles brothers and Bush crime syndicate -- paved the way for the subsequent "Conservative Revolution" in later years.

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Having read your outline of Edison I find it very enlightening. He, while very intelligent was adept into inspiring others to expand their creative levels. his shortcoming's, one he was using was to take credit for others inventions. While not all bad in itself because it is done within most corporations today, I feel he could have recorded the names of the people who did most of the grunt work in bringing inventions to the people. Many will never see which inventions were set aside because they didnt have potential. In his estimation. One I can mention was the use of alternating current as suggested by Tesla who worked for Edison. Tesla's talent was great and as I understand that Edison had one direction in his thought. Opposition to his direction wasn't tolerated. it was only his direction for experiments that went forward. Tesla left and found his own funding and developed many things that are used today. Edison did set us on the path that showed many industrialists on the path to support such inventors. People today see the rich as greedy and not wanting to "share" their money. I do hope that in the next section you will share with us the part that government has played in actually holding us back with regulations that serve no purpose than to stifle our minds of young and potential creators of innovation. segregating us and directing our thoughts to hate and envy because we are told that only a selected few are able to create and govern. Yes a bit off topic but as we read about people who create I find that most are created with need and abilities to make that need easer to endure. corporation that once focused upon innovations that improves our lives are now using us for profit only and actual inventions removed from a market that threaten the industry and profits they reap Government that once promoted excellence now control schools by controlling the funds they gave to improve education. if schools dont follow their path funding is cut off. We the people have allowed our nation to be transferred into a gov. run by oligarchy's. People are as innovative as ever before. the problem comes when innovation will cut into the profits of investors. the innovation is purchased and shelved so it cant compete with products they make. Keep this in mind as you read the history of Edison and others. people must move forward. it is natures way. As many who believe themselves as guardians of our future will fail eventually but not before harming mankind chances of moving forward with the flow that benefit's all mankind not just the ones at the top. remember when government tells us that the rich must pay their fair share, remember who wrote the rules these rich follow. Edison and others can and will take man to the stars if Government just gets out of the way.-------------I, Grampa

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